You can then increase these values further through training that saps your health, and they can also be affected at random by matches and events. Point Build System: You can trade points between Strength, Agility, Skill, Stamina and Toughness at character creation as you see fit these are percentage values from 1% to 99%.No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Matches between a wrestler with high stats and a wrestler with low stats tend to devolve into this.Guns Are Worthless: While there is a handgun in the game, you cannot fire it at other wrestlers.
Expy: The game's rosters are filled with expies of various real-life professional wrestlers, including Jimi Sierra, Redneck Rosteen, Cabal, and Terry Duggan. Drugs Are Bad: While steroids can increase all of your stats, they have a very high chance of getting your wrestler addicted, horribly draining their stats and health. Chairman of the Brawl: Steel chairs are a very effective weapon, and you can throw wrestlers into breakable chairs for extra damage. However, it is possible to injure someone badly enough that they're "nearly paralyzed," in which case they're removed from the game (but without the usual fanfare and memorial show). Dismemberment does not end a career it is entirely possible for a wrestler to keep going with one arm, one leg, no arms, or no limbs at all. Boring, but Practical: For all the absurd weapons in the game, the most effective ones that don't explode are a steel chair and a metal pipe. Sometimes wrestlers will attempt to run like hell to the backstage area for no reason, the referees will sometimes refuse to get in the ring to start the match at first, and the referees will sometimes attempt to beat you senseless at random (especially if you're outside the ring).
Artificial Stupidity: Just like MDickie's other games, the AI is.Anyone Can Die: Random events and the player's actions can both lead to wrestlers being killed in the ring.
While this is reasonable enough if you're using a meat cleaver or explosives, it starts to get a little absurd when you're bashing people's arms off with a chair or a lead pipe.
An Arm and a Leg: Infamously, the game allows you to dismember people by beating them badly enough. When someone retires, be it you or another wrestler, they're gone for good in the former case, retirement opens up your Career save slot to be reused, either with the same universe or a newly-generated one.